Sunday, August 21, 2011

Is personal grooming appropriate to do in public?

So I took a very unscientific poll on facebook. I asked the question:

"Am I alone in thinking it's really not acceptable for a person to cut their fingernails in a public waiting area?"
It was unanimous that it was indeed, uncouth to cut ones nails in public though cutting ones finger nails is public is preferable to cutting ones toenails in public.

Cutting your nails is necessary and I encourage you to keep them trimmed/well groomed and clean. For heaven's sake, keep 'em clean! However, this is one personal grooming task that really ought to be done in the privacy of your own home. Yes, we all do it. Some more than others. It's even one of those things that, dare I say, really isn't gross in and of itself but becomes nasty if done in public? I mean, when my family members do this at home I think nothing of it. So long as they are clipping over a trash bin. But in public? Really? Is this what we've come to as a society? Please. Let's not.

For the record I have seen, or rather, heard because I always hear it first - SNIP! CLIP! that horrid sounds that makes me want to scream "Stop it!" no less than 10 times in the last few years. And once, yes, once, the "person" was clipping their toe nails for heaven's sake. This is a public waiting area. People eat at these tables. People work at these tables. Keep your personal bits off the tables. Respect yourself. Respect others. Thank you.